
Family Christmas 2010

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Phase 1 Rescue Mission is a Go.

Wow- We leave on a flight at noon tomorrow.  The day is almost here.  For far too long the whole adoption process has just been paper work, talk, plan and more paper work.  Now here we are  - a few short days from meeting our son.  He will be more than the little snap shot we've seen.  I am thrilled and sad about leaving my other kids here.  Oh - I'm sure they will have a blast!  Play dates every day, yet home in their own beds at night.  I'm worried about Ashlyn - our little three-year old.  She is very attached to her Mom.  It's mutual.  I know that we are all in the hands of our Lord and savior though. 

With all of the packing and planning (we had our will made out yesterday) - It has been brought to my attention that we are on a rescue mission. Yes - that is exactly what we are doing!  We will rescue little Dimitar from a life of lovelessness, loneliness and deprivation.  We will bring him into a nurturing family and share things with him that he never knew existed.  God's love will shine.  That is so thrilling to me.  I never saw myself as the Navy Seal type.  As I think of it we are soldiers for Jesus and that's close enough to me.  We are the Body. We are the heroes here on earth.

My next blog will have pictures, happiness and tears of joy.  Thank you to our wonderful life group, family and friends for your prayers and words of encouragement when this sometimes doubting and scared mama has needed them most.  You have given me the peace of the Lord - the kids that passes all understanding.  You are a blessing to us, I love you and I thank God for you.