
Family Christmas 2010

Friday, January 6, 2012

We talked to him today!

Let me just say - GOD IS AMAZING!  I see His hand in this adoption every time something new happens.  On January 4 I recieved an email that we needed to update our local police background checks, medical and pshychological forms for when our case goes to court in Bulgaria.  Given that we just did all of this in May and it took a while considering all of the blood work, doctor's visits and notarizing of signatures.  I immediately started making calls.  The doctors and their nurses were amazing.  I had one set of papers signed and notartized within an hour!  We were able to send all 6 forms to Tallahassee for apostille at 4:45pm on the 5th!  Praise the Lord!  It was a little crazy running around and my dear friend left her job to notarize one of the signature (THANK YOU!) - but it is done!!  Woo hoo!

the next big thing was our surprise Skype today with Chad.  We went through all of the names we could think of and decided back on Chad.  We will call him Meete Chad for a while, unitl he gets it.  He's a bright one - shouldn't be too long.

It makes me cry to think of him sometimes and seeing his little face today really brought them out.  I'm sure it didn't help that he couldn't hear us.  Here's his crazy mama just a cryin'.  I'm not sure why the microphones wouldn't work, but it did this mommy's heart so good to see his smile.  He waved, played peek-a-boo, blew kisses, gave thumbs up and even figured out the sign language "I love you".  We are Skyping again next Wednesday morning.  God loves us so much and has a plan for us all.  I'm so glad that I chose to follow Him down this path of leading.  Our whole family will reap the benefits of adding Chad to our crew. 

I've never talked about the letter we got while in Bulgaria about Chad.  It disclosed information about his mom.  Her birthday is July 8 - same as Ashlyn's!  His mother is deemed unable to work by the government due to the severity of her epilepsy (somthing he has not shown signs of).  Her governemental funding is minimal and because she is a single mom - it all goes to providing for her other 2 children.  She tried to keep him, but after 3 weeks realized that the money was not enough to sustain 4 of them.  That is the reason for his "abandonment" the paper stated.  What a sad word...Abandon.  She wanted him, she loved him, but that wasn't enough.  It breaks my heart for her loss and for Chad's.  I am so blessed that God chose us to show Chad His love and His ways.  I love this little guy so much - as if he were always part of our family.  I don't understand God's plans for us, but I'm so honored that he thought me worthy of a calling so great.