
Family Christmas 2010

Friday, December 16, 2011

Back in Sophia

Here we are, back in the capital city surrounded by 2 million people, but feeling so lonely.  At this moment we are away from all of our children.  As most of you are sleeping tonight, we will be flying back to the states.  I'm glad that people speak English in Sophia and don't smoke in the restaurants.  Breathe...

Our visit today was wonderful.  We gave Dimitar his picture book filled with family pictures and recordings on each page for English and Bulgarian.  Excitement filled his precious face with each new page.  The orphanage has agreed to Skype with us using our wonderful new friend and translator Didi.  We also have paid to have him enrolled in English lessons twice a week.  Great stuff for while we are apart.  We explained the process yesterday and again today about WANTING him, just not being able to take him yet.  The social worker there is wonderful...she explained everything so lovingly - in Bulgarian.  Her daughter goes to his kindergarten class in school and now they will be the only 2 that leave for English lessons.

A friend came down the stairs to say hello to all of us.  He went right over and showed that boy the way back upstairs, closing the door behind him.   As our week unfolded, we were blessed to get to see the real Meete (shortened for of Dimitar).  Smiling.  Laughing.  Hugging.  He is all boy - running all over, loves electronics, building, and throwing balls.  Quite a little ham he is - full of spunk and personality.  He will fit in with our kids perfectly!!  He is our son.   We put glow-in-the-dark stars on his bed so he would know that we are thinking of him every night.  He hugged us, told us"chow" and waved good bye holding his Lightening McQueen and Mater matchbox cars.  Obeechum te Meete - We love you Meete.  We will come for you soon.  God's comfort until that time.