
Family Christmas 2010

Friday, July 15, 2011

One last piece...

Our summer has been buzzing along and between camps, vbs, family moving to town and vacations - the time is passing more quickly than it was when we first decided to adopt our little man. I wonder what he's doing now?

We just picked up our oldest 2 from bible camp this morning. I was surely missing them, but what a blessing the week was to them. Madison was baptized last August and Chase now says that he wants to give his life to Jesus too! Praise praise praise God! We are so happy. This important decision will bless us all as well.

We finally received our FBI form back after 8 1/2 weeks. When they say 4-6 ... allow for a while longer. We went to Orlando for our 3rd set of fingerprints on July 1. That is the final piece of information we need in order to have a completed dossier that we can submit to Bulgaria for translation. So, now the wait is for that clearance document... I'm learning patience with peace for sure!

God is so amazing. Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ.