The journey began back in early March - One evening Stuart's company lost power and 2 of the guys taking sales calls came to our house to work. The Comptons decided to go out for a family fun night at Easy Street complete with golf, rock climbing and go carts. A fundraiser was taking place there for a precious little boy being adopted internationally as well. God spoke to me that evening and I knew that I had to give to helping that family was the entire reason He guided us there that evening. Determined to give financially at first, I got busy and life got in the way... I didn't give...
A few weeks went by and Stuart told me that he had been having bad dreams and knew that the Lord was telling him that we were leaving something undone. He had been racking his brain and couldn't think of anything that he overlooked, so he mentioned it to me. I knew right away that donating to that family was the thing that I had not done. On Saturday April 16, the calling to help that family was fulfilled, but God had plans greater than that for the Comptons....After giving - I clicked on the first link on the website that hosts special needs children needing families and there was the most precious little boy. His eyes spoke to my heart. He looks as if he could be one of our children. I then clicked on a link for children available to large families and there he was again! The first child to be seen. He was so adorable and I felt very moved by his short bio.
That and the next several nights were sleepless for me. Prayers for that sweet little face were constantly on my lips. Our own children were having so much difficulty in getting along. Prayers for their leading and help with raising them in the Lord were being said as well. Through tears, I shared the picture with Stuart and after our prayers for clear guidance together - we decided to take a step and ask about the little boy called "Chad".
The day that I found him was his 5th birthday! He was born in 2006 (our others are 00, 02, 04 and 08) and has a birthday on and even day, just like the rest of us! Turns out his special need is language delay - I'm a speech therapist. Wow - God spoke so loud and clear to me at that time...
Rescue him. Take him. Teach him. Love him. Love me.
We then began the crazy process of international adoption. Adoption is definitely not for wimps or for the impatient. I am both of those things, so at times I wonder what in the world do I think I'm doing? Each step of the paperwork and jumping through hoops feels like it takes an eternity and is torture to my heart and arms that long to hold our new son.
Imagine being taken away from anything and everything you've ever known. Your country, culture, language, housing, food, caregivers, and friends. I'm praying that the Lord will ease the transition for him and for our family. We are the good guys right? Is he better off where he is with those things he knows? Absolutely not! These are thoughts that scare me, but my biggest supporter - my wonderful husband -reminds me that "Fear is not from the Lord." This is God's calling on our life, His glory will shine!
On June 3 we were approved by the Minister of Justice of Bulgaria to become "Chad's" parents! We will travel as a family to meet and visit with him for only 5 days (that's all we're allowed), then we will have to return home to do more paperwork, submit it then wait for a judge to let us come bring him home. We are officially 6 weeks into the process and still have a while to wait on our last two forms (immigration USICS and FBI). The papers then go to Tallahassee to be apostilled, sent onto Bulgaria and have to be translated there to be given to the Minister of Justice as our official dossier - then she gives us dates to visit.
Psalm 62:2 Truly He is my Rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.